This is Spinal Tap - Film Review

It's 11/11 so I have to do this.

This is Spinal Tap is a mockumentary about director Marti DiBergi (Rob Reiner, also the film's director) who follows the fictional British rock band Spinal Tap (Christopher Guest, Michael McKean, Harry Shearer) on their tour of the USA and everything that can go wrong does.

If you're a rock fan and you haven't seen this, change that.

This film is great, it's one of the best mockumentaries ever.

I actually rewatched this at a music venue near where I live a couple months and I just watched it again today.

One of the funniest scenes in the movie (and probably the most iconic) involves why I chose today to review this. In the scene where Nigel Tufnel (Christopher Guest) is talking to Marti about guitars and shows that their amplifiers go up to 11.

Another one is Nigel complaining about the size of the bread and meat and having to fold them backstage at one of their shows.

Another funny part is Spinal Tap talking to Marti about their past drummers who died from things such as
-Dying in a gardening accident authorities said was best left unsolved.
-Choking on someone else's vomit. You can't really dust for vomit.
-Spontaneously combusting onstage at a blues-jazz festival on the Isle of Lucy.

One scene has them talking about bad reviews their albums get, one was asking what day God created Spinal Tap and why couldn't he have rested that day too. And another album was only given the review: Shit sandwich.

In one of the most famous parts of the movie, the band is playing their song Stonehenge on stage and the model is in danger of being crushed by a dwarf after getting inches and feet mixed up.

In one scene, Nigel quits the band because he didn't agree with their new manager, David St. Hubbins' (Michael McKean) girlfriend after their previous manager left.

In addition to the movie being hilarious, the songs are great too. Also in the scenes with Nigel, David St. Hubbins and Derek Smalls (Shearer) performing music they are actually playing those instruments, and they've even performed in real life as Spinal Tap.

This is a rather short film at 82 minutes, but I've heard that there is a 4 1/2 hour long workprint out there somewhere.

I'm sure there are some funny parts I'm forgetting because there are so many of them, but I think you should check it out yourself.

Spinal Tap is one of my favorite films and everyone should check it out, especially of you're a rock fan.


Previous review - Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Next review - Justice League: The New Frontier


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