All the Movies I Saw in 2017 Ranked

the movies I saw this year. The ones I already reviewed I will say a few words about and then link the review, while the ones I didn't review will be like little mini-reviews. Grab some popcorn, it's gonna be a long ride.
I want to point out, there are movies that came out this year I heard were great that I did not see, so movies like John Wick: Chapter 2 or War for the Planet of the Apes will not be on here, so if there's something you thought was awesome that's not on here, I'm sorry.
Another thing I want to say is that this is how I feel about these movies right now, so my opinions may change over time.
Now that's out of the way, let's get on with the ranking.
Man, this thing sucks. Tom and Jerry mixed with Willy Wonka really doesn't go well. The animation is awful and terrifying (need I bring up the faces?) Some parts really just don't belong, like Droopy having two pointless cameos, the songs in this version are terrible while the versions in the original film were great, and this thing is just a mess all around.
Read full review here.

If I had one word to describe Bright, it would be "forgettable". I even said "forgettable" like five times in the review.
It's also very boring and slow paced too. I kept checking to see how much longer I had left,
Bright seemed like a good idea on paper, but failed in execution.
I'll probably forget this movie within a few days.
Read full review here.

Death Note is not a good movie, it sucks. The characters sucked except for L and Ryuk, the first forty minutes feel like a crappy high school romance with Death Note just thrown in there, and you're better off reading the manga or watching the anime.
Read full review here.
I don't flat out hate Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales, but it's my least favorite film I saw in theaters this year.
I have seen all of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, but it's been years since I watched those. I saw On Stranger Tides in theaters, but haven't seen it since.
This is the only movie from this year I saw in theaters that I didn't keep my ticket for, because I knew I wasn't going to end up owning this one.
The cast is fine, the story is very meh, from what I remember (I'm a little fuzzy on the details, as I haven't seen it since May when it came out) is Jack Sparrow and some other people going to find something called the Trident of Poseidon and there's Salazar, who's evil or something and Paul McCartney has a cameo and there's some other stuff.
I thought this film was very meh.
Ok, now every other movie mentioned from here on out, I liked watching unlike the four I just talked about,

I actually liked this movie, it's not perfect, but I actually liked it. I actually bought the Target exclusive Blu-Ray the other day, mostly because it was a couple bucks less than the normal Blu-Ray. I swear I'm not a cheapskate like Mr. Krabs.
I like the Despicable Me movies except for 2015's Minions, I liked Minions when I saw it in theaters, but I later watched it again on Netflix and I didn't like it. The Minions are good as little side jokes in the Despicable Me movies but when they have their own 90 minute movie, they're annoying. But we're not talking about Minions, we're talking about Despicable Me 3.
The plot is Gru, Lucy, and the girls going to another conutry to visit Dru, Gru's long lost twin brother, and they team up to take down Balthazar Bratt (Trey Parker), a former child star from the 80's who wants revenge against the world.
There's actually a lot of 80's references in this movie, there were quite a few kids in my theater, and I think I was the only person in there who didn't grow up in the 80's that actually got some of these references. We have Rubik's cubes, Bad by Michael Jackson, yo-yo's, a Walkman, Bratt has a robot sidekick that's a lot like R.O.B the Robot, does anyone remember R.O.B the Robot? I've never owned an NES but I definitely kow what R.O.B is.
Trey Parker is my favorite part of the movie. He's funny and very outdated and Trey Parker is just one of my favorite voice actors. I'm a big South Park fan by the way.

I liked The Lego Ninjago Movie, it's definitely the weakest of the Lego Movie trilogy, but it's an enjoyable movie.
I wish it looked more like a Lego movie, because this looks like some of it looked like it was filmed outside with nature and plants and stuff, but the other two movies look like they were made entirely out of Legos. So I don't know why they did that.
It's about Lloyd, a high school student who everyone hates because he's the son of Garmadon, an evil warlord, so he seeks to defeat him with a few students from his school who are also ninjas.
I was on vacation in Orlando when this came out, and it came out the same day as Kingsman: The Golden Circle, so I had to decide which one I was going to see first when I got back, I got sick when I got back from vacation so I had to postpone those two movies until October. I actually saw this and Blade Runner 2049 before I actually went to see Kingsman, which I saw about a little over a week after I saw Blade Runner 2049, that's coming up very soon, but we're not talking about that right now.
This also has live action scenes like The Lego Movie did, and in this, Jackie Chan is telling some kid about a ninja named Lloyd using a Lego minifigure.
I had fun with this movie, but it's not as great as The Lego Movie or The Lego Batman Movie.

I actually had a lot of fun with this movie, I saw it in theaters for a one night only showing and was a lot of fun seeing in theaters.
I actually don't get why some people hate on this movie, I thought it was a lot of fun, although I had some problems with it like Swamp Thing's wasted cameo, Harley Quinn stopping Poison Ivy from "saving" (actually terraforming) the world because of the plants by using the puppy eyes, Harley Quinn farting in the Batmobile, Harley Quinn has a musical number and it's ok, and a few other problems.
There are some good parts in it, like Rob Paulsen's cover of Don't Pull Your Love is amazing, Kevin Conroy coming back as Batman is always amazing like in The Killing Joke, which I saw in theaters last year. Melissa Rauch was alright as Harley Quinn, but we could've gotten Arleen Sorkin from Batman: The Animated Series (need to watch that show) back as Harley.
This was my first time actually seeing a cosplayer in a movie theater, there was a girl a few rows behind me who was cosplaying as Harley Quinn, so that was pretty cool.
I even had a huge Batman marathon that most of the live action films except for Batman and Robin and those batman movies from the 40's, and a few of the animated movies. It was a lot like the Justicethon I had last month where I just got whatever was in my movie collection.
Overall, I don't get the hate for this movie, it's a lot of fun, and so was The Killing Joke back in 2016.
One thing I want to bring up is that I am very excited for Batman Ninja coming out next year, it's an anime film where Batman is transported from modern Gotham to the feudal Japan era and having to fight Samurai versions of Batman villains. I'm so pumped for that.
1922 was a good Stephen King adaptation, it's nowhere as good as classics like The Shining or Pet Sematary or even adaptations from this year like It and Gerald's Game, and I'm glad I didn't see The Dark Tower (I'm ashamed to say I've never adaptations such as The Shawshank Redemption, Misery, I actually read the novel for that one, The Green Mile or Stand By Me).
But it's a good Netflix original from this year, and if you want to read more, I'll link the page for the review on here.
Read full review here.
Finally, we're in the top 20.

I definitely liked this movie a lot more than others did although it definitely isn't as great as Kingsman: The Secret Service.
It does have problems, like its 141 minute long run, and I didn't think Julianne Moore as Poppy was as great as a villain as Samuel L. Jackson was as Richmond Valentine in the first Kingsman, and while Elton John's scenes were funny, I didn't think they were needed. And the sex scene was just... weird, where Eggsy has to put a tracking device inside of some girl. And I wish they had kept Colin Firth coming back as Harry a secret, as he was shot in the first movie
The plot is where all Kingman locations are destroyed by Poppy, who was spiking drugs with this stuff that gives them blue veins, makes them dance, paralyzes them, and then kills them. And the Kingsman have to team up with their American counterparts the Statesman to release the antidote and defeat Poppy.
The cast is good, the effects are good, the action is good, especially the fight scene near the end where Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting by Elton John is playing. There's actually a few references to Elton John's songs in it, like Poppy's robot dogs are named Bennie and Jet, and there's a 50's style theater and one side of the marquee says "Captain Fantastic", a reference to his album Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy, and the other side says "The Bitch is Back" a reference to his song of the same name.
I enjoyed the movie more than other people, but it's not as good as the first Kingsman.

Yet another one of DC's direct to video animated movies, the only one from this year I did not see was Teen Titans: The Judas Contract so I don't know if that one's any good or not.
The plot is Batman teaming up with John Constantine, Zatanna, and a few others to take down these demons that are killing people (I think, I'm also a little fuzzy on the details).
It's a good movie and I would recommend it, I just can't remember too much about it to go into detail. Jason O'Mara is good as Batman, Matt Ryan was good as John Constantine, who he also played on the TV show Constantine (is that show any good?) and the other characters were good. Swamp Thing is in this too like in Batman and Harley Quinn, but I don't remember much about him. It does have a couple famous people in it, Rosario Dawson plays Wonder Woman and Alfred Molina (who's in another movie that's coming up) plays Doctor Destiny.
I don't remember too much, but I remember this being pretty good.

Another movie I liked more than most people, Alien: Covenant was a good movie, people! I actually rented Prometheus a few days before this came out and I stayed up all night watching all of the movies except for Alien vs. Predator: Requiem and Prometheus on IFC the day before this came out. I think I made a good choice waiting until the next day to see this, because if I stayed up all night and then went to the movies in a dark room with those luxury loungers (I have a Cinemark theater near me) I would have been asleep within a few minutes.
The plot is that the crew of a ship is heading to a planet that's 7 years away and then they find a planet that's a lot closer than that so they head to that planet instead, and then they get infected with the aliens, and then everything goes wrong.
Back to me watching every Alien movie except AVPR, the only one you really have to watch before this is Prometheus, as this is pretty much a sequel to that.
I don't get why people didn't like this movie, I thought it was pretty good, the cast is good, Michael Fassbender is great as both Walter and David, two androids, I think in the next film in the series, the entire cast should be just him. No one else, just him. And the other cast is good too.

I said in my review that I thought this movie was awesome but still had problems with it, I still do, but I think of it now as an 8/10 instead of the 8.5 I gave it in the review.
Superman's face is awful, Steppenwolf is a very weak villain, it's a bit short, but there are some good parts in it.
Read full review here.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2. is a really good movie, I had a lot of fun in the theater, but it didn't quite make it into the top 15, but there were so many incredible movies from this year that it's a bit hard to choose where to put things.
The plot is that Star-Lord discovering his heritage, a sentient planet played by Kurt Russel who wants to rule the entire universe and the Guardians have to defeat him.
I really liked this movie, but it isn't as good as the first one. I, for some reason, missed out on the first film in theaters, but fortunately I got to see this in theaters. I'm really excited to see the Guardians of the Galaxy to appear in Avengers: Infinity War, which is one of my most anticipated movies of 2018.
The effects are great, the movie is funny, and the music is great as always as this is a Guardians of the Galaxy film, but the promotional stuff has Suffragette City by David Bowie and Fox on the Run by Sweet in them, but they're not in the actual movie for some reason.
And this is one of the best ways to advertise a Blu-Ray ever.

Jordan Peele, most known for sketch comedy, shows that he can make a great horror film and social commentary on racism which for some reason is labeled as a comedy by the Golden Globes.
Everything is good in here, the cast, the horror is great.
I don't know what to fill in here, as I said everything I wanted to say in my review.
Read full review here.

The Lego Batman Movie was the first movie I saw in theaters this year, and it was really fun. It's definitely the best of the Lego movies we got this year.
The plot is that Batman is scared of having a family, and he deals with it when he accidentally adopts Robin. And the Joker is sent to the Phantom Zone where he releases all the villains (even ones that aren't from Batman, like Voldemort, Sauron, Daleks, King Kong etc) upon Gotham and Batman, Robin, Batgirl and Alfred have to take down the Joker.
One thing I really liked they did in the trailers was editing shots so it won't spoil anything in the movie, like there's one scene where Batman, Robin, Alfred and Barbara Gordon are running and they're all in their normal clothes (except Batman, who's still in the Batsuit), but in the actual movie, they're in their Batsuits. Alfred even has a Batsuit in the movie, which is modeled after Adam West's suit from the 60's TV show. Speaking of that, there's a scene where Alfred is mentioning years that Batman movies came out and they have scenes from those movies in Lego except for 1997 where they showed the Batnipples from Batman and Robin and when he mentioned 1966, he showed a clip of Adam West dancing from the TV show.
This film is hilarious in some parts, there's one part where Robin says he has a song for himself and he sings "Fly, Robin, Fly" and where Bruce Wayne first meets Dick before he adopts him and he's barely listening to him. "At the orphanage they call me-" "Kids can be so cruel". I got the DVD a few days ago, but I haven't watched it since it came out in theaters, so I'll have to watch it again.

Gerald's Game, another Stephen King adaptation, and not the last one on here but the last Netflix original on here.
The plot is about an older married couple who go to a cabin in the middle of nowhere in an attempt to spice up there marriage, only for Gerald Burlingame to have a heart attack and die, leaving Jessie, his wife, handcuffed to the bed with no hope or help out in the middle of nowhere.
I have the book, but I have not read it yet, so I don't know if it's as good as the movie so I'm just going by the movie.
The movie stars Carla Gugino as Jessie and Bruce Greenwood as Gerald and they are great in their roles.
The film is quite gory too in some scenes, like there's a dog eating Gerald, and just how Jessie escapes from the handcuffs, it's disturbing, and there's a rather disturbing scene in a flashback with Jessie's father, who is played by Henry Thomas, who some of you may know as Elliot form E.T. The Extra Terrestrial.
Stephen King himself said that the film was horrifying after seeing a rough cut of it, I guess that's a good sign.

Wonder Woman is a great superhero movie, but didn't quite make the top 10, but still awesome. And is the best of the DCEU by far.
It's got great action, great characters, great special effects, an ok third act and a generic villain, but overall, an awesome superhero movie.
Read full review here.

This is the best Spider-Man movie we've ever gotten since 2004. Let that sink in. We've had two great Sam Raimi films, a bad Sam Raimi film, a bad reboot, a worse sequel to said reboot, and now we have a great MCU film!
Tom Holland is great as Spider-Man, Robert Downey Jr. is great as always as Tony Stark and Michael Keaton is great as a Marvel villain for someone who played a DC hero twice.
And this is the first Spider-Man reboot not to go into Spider-Man's origin story. 2012's The Amazing Spider-Man (that title certainly lies) says that it was "the untold story" but that's a pile of bull because it just goes into Spider-Man's origin. I'm glad that in Captain America: Civil War (which you'll probably get a review for before Black Panther comes out) he's already Spider-Man.
Spider-Man's suit in this film is cool, but I really like the suit that we're gonna get in Infinity War.
Blitzkrieg Bop by the Ramones appears in this movie, and most of the comments on the YouTube videos for the song are people saying they came here from this movie. Although I knew that song before this movie. Fun fact: I've been a Ramones fan since I was 12.
The ending is hilarious too, It's Peter in the Spider-Man suit right when Aunt May comes in and she just says "What the fu-" and then the credits start.
One of the best MCU movies we got this year, but again, it didn't quite make the top 10.
Ok, now we get into the top 10.

Ok, I gave this movie a 9.5/10 but now I think I would just give it a 9/10 instead and I gave the first movie a 7.5/10 but now I think it's just a 7. I'm not editing my reviews to change the grades though.
This movie is great, much better than the first Hey Arnold! movie. This one should've been released in theaters, I would've payed to see this in theaters. Same with the Regular Show movie back in 2015.
This film spent over a decade in development hell, a lot of films that come out of development hell suck, this one does not and was actually worth the wait.
I didn't have a great Black Friday as I didn't get much that day, but I got to come back to my state to this.
Read full review here.

Some of you may remember that this was the first movie I ever reviewed on here. It's the first thing I ever reviewed so I don't remember how good that review is as I haven't read it in a while.
This, in my opinion, is the best MCU movie of 2017. I feel like each MCU movie from this year improves upon the last one. I thought Spider-Man: Homecoming was better than Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, I thought Thor: Ragnarok was better than Spider-Man: Homecoming.
This film probably has the most comedy in the MCU, and we have two Guardians films. The first two Thor films were rather serious and bottom of the MCU, this is a lot funnier, doesn't take itself seriously, and one of the best MCU films.
Read full review here.

Dunkirk, one of the best war films out there (I've never seen Saving Private Ryan, sorry).
There's not a lot to the characters, but that's not really important because the movie is about the battle and not the characters.
Christopher Nolan is a great director, I haven't seen everything he's done though. I've not seen Interstellar, The Prestige, Insomnia, and I've not seen Memento, but I've seen everything else. This was actually the first Nolan film I saw in theaters, I was probably the youngest person there.
It's quite short for a Nolan film, as it's only an hour and forty-six minutes, I think it's his shortest since Following, his first film back in 1998.
Someone on YouTube took the movie and made it into an eight minute long short film. I'll have to check that out sometime.
Dunkirk is one of the war films of the year, and one of the best films of the year. If you like Christopher Nolan movies, you'll probably like this.
It is the last Stephen King adaptation that will appear on this list.
It is the best horror movie of 2017 in my opinion, it's creepy, scary (although I didn't get scared), and funny.
The best part about this movie: the kids. The Losers Club were hilarious, especially Richie Tozier, played by Finn Wolfhard from Stranger Things (is that show any good?).
Bill Skarsgard as Pennywise is great too, he's creepier, but Tim Curry from the 90's miniseries is more enjoyable to watch. They're both great.
This film is way better than the 1990 miniseries, and that's from someone who liked the miniseries.
I've read a little bit of the book, where just a bit over 100 pages counts as a "little bit" as my copy is 1090 pages and a first edition paperback, but wanting to get a hardcover, however, I'm currently reading Hearts in Atlantis.
They're doing a sequel in 2019 and I can not wait.
If there's something I'm glad this film removed from the book, it's that scene from the book near the end after the Losers defeat It. People who have read the book know what I'm talking about.

A great installment in a great saga. I don't get why some people hate this movie, I thought it was great. Well, I wasn't a big fan of the casino planet scene with Finn and Rose.
There were some things I were not expecting in it. Like Yoda, what happened with Luke at the end, Luke never being at the Rebel base the whole time, and some others.
Some of you might know that I had a huge marathon in hype for this where I reviewed every Star Wars films except for those two Ewok movies.
I loved this movie and think that you should check it out. Can't wait for Solo and Episode IX.
Read full review here.

A great movie about a terrible movie.
Even if you've never seen The Room, which I reviewed a while back, you'd probably enjoy this movie too. It shows how desperate Tommy Wiseau, played amazingly by James Franco, was to get this movie made, despite showing up like four hours late to set and made filming The Room a living hell for the cast and crew.
This is an amazing movie and definitely one of the best of the year.
Read full review here.

The most musical film of the year that's not a musical.
Baby Driver is one of my favorite films of the year and one of my favorite Edgar Wright movies, and the first Edgar Wright film I saw in theaters, which is the best way to see this movie.
The plot is about a young getaway driver named Baby who works for Doc, played by Kevin Spacey, but then meets Debora, a waitress. But when Baby thinks he's free from crime and safe with Debora, Doc threatens Baby into doing another job.
It's a little weird thinking about it, but after the Kevin Spacey scandal, it's about a young guy who doesn't want to do something, and Kevin Spacey makes him do it. It's just a little weird to think about. Kevin Spacey is actually really good as Doc despite the stuff I just mentioned. The other cast, such as Ansel Elgort, Lily James, Eiza Gonzalez, Jon Hamm and Jamie Foxx, are all really good here.
Edgar Wright is an amazing director. When I think of my favorite directors, Edgar Wright and Quentin Tarantino are the two that come to mind. Hot Fuzz is one of my top 5 favorite films
The music is amazing, it's mostly 70's music like both Guardians of the Galaxy movies, but in this, the gunshots are synced to the music. Also, near the opening where Baby is going to get coffee, there's graffiti, pay attention to some of that graffiti because it has lyrics on it.
Jon Bernthal is in the movie and he's really good despite being in it for five minutes. In it he says something along the lines of "If you don't see me again, it means I'm dead". He is never seen again for the rest of the movie.
This film is full of Easter eggs too. I heard that you'll find something new on each viewing, I haven't seen it since I saw it in theaters, so I'll have to watch it on Blu-Ray soon.
Overall, Baby Driver is an excellent film that you should check out.

Logan is the greatest comic book movie of 2017 and the final comic book movie on the list.
This is also the best of the X-Men film series to me. For a while, it was my favorite movie of the year, but then a month later I saw my number 1 pick and it got pushed back to second, then in October, I saw my number 2 pick and it got pushed back to third.
This is also the first of the X-Men series excluding Deadpool to get an R-rating. It's full of blood, language, and they show boobs for a few seconds.
This is Hugh Jackman's final performance as Wolverine, and possibly his best. In this he's not Wolverine anymore, he's Logan, he's not a superhero anymore, he's aging and slowly dying from adamantium poisoning from his skeleton and claws. It was very emotion at the end what happened to him, I didn't cry or anything but it was a bit sad.
Patrick Stewart is great here as Charles Xavier. It's emotional what happens to him and how it happens to him. It's also funny hearing him swearing too.
Dafne Keen is awesome as X-23, or Laura, or whatever. She's one of the few children in movies I would call awesome. She even cuts the head off of some bad guy and rolls it outside to the others. This kid is awesome.
Logan is a great movie, one of the best films of the entire year. A very bloody, entertaining and emotional movie.

Blade Runner 2049 is an amazing movie. It helps to see the original Blade Runner before seeing this, but you really don't need to, as it's good on it's own.
Harrison Ford is once again, amazing as Rick Deckard. He isn't in it as much as I thought he was going to be though. But he is great as always as Deckard. He even meets his long lost child at the end, a Replicant memory designer.
Ryan Gosling is great as K, or Joe. He's a Blade Runner, a Replicant (though this isn't explicitly said in the movie), he's cool, he's dedicated to finding the child of Rick Deckard and Rachel, a Replicant from the first Blade Runner, and he even has a holographic waifu!
I'm not a huge Ryan Gosling fan, I don't dislike him, but I'm not a massive fan, but he is amazing in this and The Nice Guys.
Jared Leto is good as the villain in here. I've only seen two Jared Leto movies, but it seems like he's the weird guy in any movie he's in.
This film looks amazing in theaters, this film sounds amazing too. This film is just amazing. You have to check this out if you are a Blade Runner fan. Sucks this thing didn't make much at the box office.
And now... for number one...
It's time for the moment you've been waiting for!

I love Your Name, it's the greatest movie I have seen all year! I saw this at a theater in my downtown instead of the Cinemark theater I mentioned earlier, because downtown was the only place around me playing. I went and that was one of the best decisions I made this year.
I've make it a goal since 2014 to see at least one 2D animated film in a theater and every year I reach that goal, but this year I actually saw two. This and Batman and Harley Quinn.
I know some of you may be saying that this came out in 2016. It did, but that was in Japan and various film festivals across the world, it didn't get a wider release in America until April of this year, so I'm counting this as a 2017 release.
I actually saw this movie subbed, when I thought I would see it dubbed in theaters, but it was subbed.
The plot is about these two teens, Mitsuha, a girl from a small town in rural Japan, and Taki, a boy from Tokyo. They eventually learn that they are switching bodies when they sleep. There's more to it than that, but I think you should see it for yourself.
This film had a twist I was not expecting, but I'm not going to say it.
Makoto Shinkai has said that he is unsatisfied with the movie and feels that it's incomplete, and wants people to not see it, despite it being the highest grossing anime film of all time, even higher than Spirited Away, one of my favorite films. He says that the film is not as good as it could've been. He states, "There are things we could not do, Masashi Ando [director of animation] wanted to keep working but had to stop us for lack of money ... For me it’s incomplete, unbalanced. The plot is fine but the film is not at all perfect. Two years was not enough."
This is a film you have to watch, even if you're not an anime fan. Cowboy Bebop is the same, even if you're not an anime fan, you should still check it out.
Wow, this took a while. I'm glad you decided to keep up with me talking about 28 movies in one sitting. This really took some time.
2017 wasn't the best year out there, with the political stuff, scandals against pretty much everyone, really bad hurricanes, and the FCC getting rid of net neutrality, it just wasn't a great year, but it was a good year for movies.
Thank you all for reading and I'll see you sometime in January, not sure when with reviews of Insidious: The Last Key and the other Insidious movies. I don't know when that will happen because I doubt I'll be seeing The Last Key on the day it comes out. When the day is confirmed that I'll be seeing it, I'll post an announcement for the marathon.
Thanks for reading, and I'll see you all in 2018.
Previous review - Bright
Next review - Insidious
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