10 Cloverfield Lane - Film Review
Cloverthon Day 2
10 Cloverfield Lane is directed by Dan Trachtenberg and stars John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, and James Gallagher Jr.
After getting in a car accident, Michelle (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) is held in a shelter with Howard (John Goodman) and Emmett (John Gallagher Jr.), and Howard claims the outside world is affected by a widespread chemical attack.
I actually prefer this film over Cloverfield, I am more interested watching this than the first Cloverfield. This was actually the first Cloverfield film I've seen. I first saw it when I rented it from a Redbox back in 2016 and haven't watched it until today.
Despite having the Cloverfield name, this film has almost no connection to Cloverfield, except for Emmett talking about how Howard used to work with satellites.
While Cloverfield is a found footage movie, this is more of a thriller. If you know nothing about Cloverfield and was expecting a sequel to it, you're going to be disappointed.
Major spoilers ahead!
Let's talk about the cast. John Goodman is great as Howard, at first you don't know if he's keeping her safe and there really is an attack going on, or if he's just a crazy guy holding a woman hostage. It turns out that he's a bit of both, after he kills Emmett after finding out that he and Michelle are working together and working on a suit to breath the air outside, but when Michelle finally gets outside, there's some ship spraying down this green stuff and it starts to get a little Cloverfield-ish when she starts attacking aliens (she even blows up one's mouth).
Mary Elizabeth Winstead is really good as Michelle, the one who gets in a car crash and wakes up in Howard's shelter. She's the one who finds out that there's something wrong with Howard, such as him snapping at her when she asks for pepper, she finds a bloody earring, and finding the word "HELP" scratched into a window.
John Gallagher Jr. is good as Emmett, the guy who's living in the shelter with Howard. I can't think of much to say about him other than he helps Michelle with escaping the shelter and gets killed for it and gets dissolved in acid.
Spoilers end here.
Overall, I think 10 Cloverfield Lane is better than Cloverfield, it's shot like a normal movie, and just more interesting. Come back tomorrow for a review for The Cloverfield Paradox.
10 Cloverfield Lane gets a 9/10
Previous review - Cloverfield
Next review - The Cloverfield Paradox

After getting in a car accident, Michelle (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) is held in a shelter with Howard (John Goodman) and Emmett (John Gallagher Jr.), and Howard claims the outside world is affected by a widespread chemical attack.
I actually prefer this film over Cloverfield, I am more interested watching this than the first Cloverfield. This was actually the first Cloverfield film I've seen. I first saw it when I rented it from a Redbox back in 2016 and haven't watched it until today.
Despite having the Cloverfield name, this film has almost no connection to Cloverfield, except for Emmett talking about how Howard used to work with satellites.
While Cloverfield is a found footage movie, this is more of a thriller. If you know nothing about Cloverfield and was expecting a sequel to it, you're going to be disappointed.
Major spoilers ahead!
Let's talk about the cast. John Goodman is great as Howard, at first you don't know if he's keeping her safe and there really is an attack going on, or if he's just a crazy guy holding a woman hostage. It turns out that he's a bit of both, after he kills Emmett after finding out that he and Michelle are working together and working on a suit to breath the air outside, but when Michelle finally gets outside, there's some ship spraying down this green stuff and it starts to get a little Cloverfield-ish when she starts attacking aliens (she even blows up one's mouth).
Mary Elizabeth Winstead is really good as Michelle, the one who gets in a car crash and wakes up in Howard's shelter. She's the one who finds out that there's something wrong with Howard, such as him snapping at her when she asks for pepper, she finds a bloody earring, and finding the word "HELP" scratched into a window.
John Gallagher Jr. is good as Emmett, the guy who's living in the shelter with Howard. I can't think of much to say about him other than he helps Michelle with escaping the shelter and gets killed for it and gets dissolved in acid.
Spoilers end here.
Overall, I think 10 Cloverfield Lane is better than Cloverfield, it's shot like a normal movie, and just more interesting. Come back tomorrow for a review for The Cloverfield Paradox.
10 Cloverfield Lane gets a 9/10
Previous review - Cloverfield
Next review - The Cloverfield Paradox
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