Solo: A Star Wars Story - Spoiler Talk

I mentioned in my review of Solo: A Star Wars Story that there were things that I liked and things that I didn't like. I want to go into more detail on what I did and didn't like.
I think I'll get into what I didn't like first, so that way I'll end it with what I did like.
I didn't like the part where they show how Han Solo got his last name. Why couldn't they just leave it as Solo is his last name? After he gets separated from Qi'ra on Corellia, he applies to be an Imperial pilot and he's asked for his name, which he gives, and then he's asked for his family or people, and Han says he has no people, and the Imperial officer says that he's going to call him Solo. Really?! The opening part was good, except for that scene.
The movie felt like it was just putting whatever they wanted about Han Solo that's been established and then just putting it in. Lando, check. Chewbacca, check. Millennium Falcon, check. Kessel Run, check. Some of that was cool to see, but we didn't need to know why the Millennium Falcon has a gap in the front of the ship.
Even though it does feel like a checklist or an Easter egg hunt didn't mean that I didn't enjoy those moments, a lot of them were fun.
I guess it's helpful if you're a new fan of the Star Wars franchise and don't know that most of this stuff has been established.
I couldn't bring myself to care about Han's relationship with Qi'ra. It's nice to see that Han had some relationships other than with Leia, but if you know what happens in the series, you know that he will end up with Leia. Also, I wasn't worried when Han, Chewie or Lando were in danger, because I knew they would live anyway.
The movie did feel kinda like a bunch of fanservice and an Easter egg hunt, but it is enjoyable.
Now onto what I did like. I did like the opening scene on Corellia where Han and Qi'ra were escaping and wanting to get a ship and leave Corellia but he escapes and she doesn't. That was a good scene.
Han's time in the Empire was good, despite the scene with his last name, and I did like seeing Han meeting Chewie and speaking a little Wookiee.
Donald Glover's scenes as Lando were great and I loved every moment he was in.
The Kessel Run scene was fun to watch, but what I said about not being worried about Han, Chewie and Lando in danger really applies here.
Woody Harrelson was really fun to watch as Tobias Beckett and was one of my favorite characters in the movie.
The visual effects were amazing too, especially the light speed sections. The scenes with L3-37, Lando's droid were hilarious too, she fights for droid independence and reveals that droids are pretty much slaves, but we knew that already.
Darth Maul's cameo was really cool but unnecessary. It turns out that Dryden Vos (Paul Bettany), leader of Crimson Dawn, actually takes orders from Maul. Qi'ra tells Maul that Vos was killed by Tobias Beckett and his accomplices, but doesn't mention Han or Chewie. Maul tells her to meet him on Dathomir and and they will start to work closer from now on.
Han and Qi'ra's fight with Dryden Vos was pretty cool too. Han tries to take the coaxium that he owes Vos, but Beckett takes both the coaxium, and takes Chewbacca hostage. Han and Qi'ra take care of Vos and she tells Han to catch up with Beckett. Han leaves and Qi'ra has her discussion with Darth Maul.
Han catches up to Beckett and kills him, a member of the rebellion against the Empire gives Han some of the coaxium, they go find Lando and Han wins the Falcon from him.
Not a lot to talk about in terms of spoilers here. Solo: A Star Wars Story is pretty much just an average Star Wars movie and no one really wanted anyway.
I'll probably back in about a week or less with a review of Best F(r)iends: Volume 2.
Previous review - Solo: A Star Wars Story
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